Welcome to the
MyDataHelps Designer User Guide

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What is MyDataHelps™?

CareEvolution's MyDataHelps™ is the trusted platform for groundbreaking digital clinical trials. Project teams use the platform to:

  • Digitally recruit participants
  • Collect eConsent, survey/EMA, wearable, and EHR data
  • Return results to participants
  • Engage with participants through automated, real-time notifications

Participants join projects via the MyDataHelps™ app (available on iOS, Android, and web) and project teams use MyDataHelps™ Designer to configure, deploy, and manage their projects on the platform.

For Frequently Asked Questions, please check out our FAQs page. For support, please contact us: mdh-designer-support@careevolution.com.

Why use MyDataHelps™?

Free to start: Create your MyDataHelps Designer account today and explore the platform.

Code-optional configuration: Configure and release your project in hours with a code-optional platform integrated with REDCap and the NIH Common Data Elements (CDE).

Engage with participants anywhere: Digitally recruit participants where they are—home, clinic, or on the go. Create an insightful app experience, including return-of-results and trigger-based notifications to keep participants engaged.

Capture a more complete picture: Passively collect wearable and electronic health record (EHR) data, while delivering ecological momentary assessments (EMAs) to capture a more robust, real-world longitudinal record of each participant.