Garmin Blood Pressure Summary Export Format
- Updated
Blood pressure summaries offer data from blood pressure readings taken using an Index™ BPM device or from a user’s manually uploaded blood pressure data.
- File Prefix:
- Natural Key:
For a complete list of all the export file types possible, see the Garmin Export Overview.
Table of Contents
Data Fields
Field | Description |
ParticipantID |
The stable, automatically generated, internal system identifier for this participant. Universally unique identifier (UUID). |
ParticipantIdentifier |
The identifier of the participant the activity summary is for. Can be used to cross reference with Participants. |
SummaryId |
Unique identifier for the summary. |
MeasurementTimeInSeconds |
Measurement time of the summary in seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC (Unix timestamp). |
MeasurementTimeOffsetInSeconds |
Offset in seconds to add to measurementTimeInSeconds to derive the “local” time of the device that captured the data. |
Systolic |
The systolic value of the blood pressure reading. |
Diastolic |
The diastolic value of the blood pressure reading. |
Pulse |
Pulse rate at the time the blood pressure reading. |
SourceType |
This field is used to determine if blood pressure data was entered manually or synced from a Garmin Device. Possible values: MANUAL: The user entered blood pressure information manually through a web form. |
InsertedDate |
The creation date of the entry, in ISO 8601 format. Is always in UTC. |
Sample CSV Export
ParticipantID,ParticipantIdentifier,SummaryId,MeasurementTimeInSeconds,MeasurementTimeOffsetInSeconds,Systolic,Diastolic,Pulse,SourceType,InsertedDate 1be320d5-57fa-4860-8fa2-033b27038c4e,TST12345,x45e31a7-63bc283f,1673275455,-18000,129,82,53,DEVICE,2023-02-04T16:22:33Z 1be320d5-57fa-4860-8fa2-033b27038c4e,TST12345,x45e31a7-63c7e7b4,1674045364,-18000,120,75,53,DEVICE,2023-02-04T16:22:33Z 1be320d5-57fa-4860-8fa2-033b27038c4e,TST12345,x45e31a7-63d276e5,1674737381,-18000,123,79,61,DEVICE,2023-02-04T16:22:33Z 1be320d5-57fa-4860-8fa2-033b27038c4e,TST12345,x45e31a7-63b81f2f,1673010991,-18000,122,81,46,DEVICE,2023-02-04T16:22:33Z 1be320d5-57fa-4860-8fa2-033b27038c4e,TST12345,x45e31a7-63b6bdbe,1672920510,-18000,115,77,52,DEVICE,2023-02-04T16:22:33Z
Sample JSON Export
{ "MeasurementTimeInSeconds": 1673275455, "MeasurementTimeOffsetInSeconds": -18000, "Systolic": 129, "Diastolic": 82, "Pulse": 53, "SourceType": "DEVICE", "ParticipantID": "b728e3e8-1e97-453c-a3a5-5f4a1e5ce687", "ParticipantIdentifier": "TST12345", "SummaryId": "x45e31a7-63bc283f", "InsertedDate": "2023-02-04T16:22:33" } { "MeasurementTimeInSeconds": 1674045364, "MeasurementTimeOffsetInSeconds": -18000, "Systolic": 120, "Diastolic": 75, "Pulse": 53, "SourceType": "DEVICE", "ParticipantID": "b728e3e8-1e97-453c-a3a5-5f4a1e5ce687", "ParticipantIdentifier": "TST12345", "SummaryId": "x45e31a7-63c7e7b4", "InsertedDate": "2023-02-04T16:22:33" } { "MeasurementTimeInSeconds": 1674737381, "MeasurementTimeOffsetInSeconds": -18000, "Systolic": 123, "Diastolic": 79, "Pulse": 61, "SourceType": "DEVICE", "ParticipantID": "b728e3e8-1e97-453c-a3a5-5f4a1e5ce687", "ParticipantIdentifier": "TST12345", "SummaryId": "x45e31a7-63d276e5", "InsertedDate": "2023-02-04T16:22:33" } { "MeasurementTimeInSeconds": 1673010991, "MeasurementTimeOffsetInSeconds": -18000, "Systolic": 122, "Diastolic": 81, "Pulse": 46, "SourceType": "DEVICE", "ParticipantID": "b728e3e8-1e97-453c-a3a5-5f4a1e5ce687", "ParticipantIdentifier": "TST12345", "SummaryId": "x45e31a7-63b81f2f", "InsertedDate": "2023-02-04T16:22:33" } { "MeasurementTimeInSeconds": 1672920510, "MeasurementTimeOffsetInSeconds": -18000, "Systolic": 115, "Diastolic": 77, "Pulse": 52, "SourceType": "DEVICE", "ParticipantID": "b728e3e8-1e97-453c-a3a5-5f4a1e5ce687", "ParticipantIdentifier": "TST12345", "SummaryId": "x45e31a7-63b6bdbe", "InsertedDate": "2023-02-04T16:22:33" }
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