Tapping Interval Active Task Export Format
- Updated
In the Tapping Interval Test, the participant rapidly alternates tapping two targets on the screen with two fingers. The system tracks the location and speed of their taps.
When your project uses the CSV export format for Survey Results, data for Active Tasks is exported in the fileSurveyTappingIntervalResults.csv
. When your project uses the JSON export format, Active Task data is included in the fileSurveyResults.json
For a typical survey using this task, you'll expect to see:
- One survey result each time the participant completes the survey.
- One step result representing the Active Task.
- One Tapping Interval result for that step. The individual taps are captured within this result.
[tip]The coordinates in the Tapping Interval test are given in screen coordinates. To meaningfully interpret these values, it is necessary to first convert them to a physical distance. To do this, you will need to determine the screen resolution (usually represented in pixels) and pixel density (e.g., Pixels Per Inch or PPI) of the user’s device. Some devices have additional complexities. For example, on iOS devices with a retina display there is often an extra scaling factor between screen coordinates (in “points”) and pixels.[/tip]
Table of Contents
Data Fields
Field | Description |
SurveyTappingIntervalResultKey |
A unique, auto-generated observation ID for a single tapping interval attempt. |
SurveyStepResultKey |
A unique, auto-generated key for this step result. Can be used to cross reference with other survey results. |
SurveyResultKey |
The key for the survey result which this step result is contained in. Can be used to cross reference with other survey results. |
ParticipantIdentifier |
The identifier of the participant this task was for. Can be used to cross reference with Participants. |
ButtonRect1 |
Describes the rectangle for the left target button, in JSON format. Fields include:
ButtonRect2 |
Describes the rectangle for the right target button, in JSON format. Fields include:
StepViewSize |
The overall screen size available to the step, in screen coordinates, which gives context for the relative sizes of the buttons. |
StartDate |
The timestamp for when the participant started the tapping interval attempt, in ISO 8601 format. Includes timezone offset information. |
EndDate |
The timestamp for when the participant completed the tapping interval attempt, in ISO 8601 format. Includes timezone offset information. |
Taps |
A list of the individual taps made during the tapping interval attempt, in JSON format. Each tap reports:
Sample CSV Export
SurveyTappingIntervalResultKey,SurveyStepResultKey,SurveyResultKey,ParticipantIdentifier,ButtonRect1,ButtonRect2,StepViewSize,StartDate,EndDate,Taps 1111-2222-3333,4444-5555-6666,7777-8888-9999,aaaa-bbbb-cccc,"{""Size"":{""Height"":104.0,""Width"":104.0},""Origin"":{""X"":79.0,""Y"":476.0}}","{""Size"":{""Height"":104.0,""Width"":104.0},""Origin"":{""X"":207.0,""Y"":476.0}}","{""Height"":753.0,""Width"":390.0}",2020-12-14T21:07:35+00:00,2020-12-14T21:07:46+00:00,"[{""Timestamp"":0.0,""ButtonIdentifier"":""Left"",""Duration"":0.090478180998616153,""Location"":{""X"":161.33332824707031,""Y"":557.0}},{""Timestamp"":0.375023753997084,""ButtonIdentifier"":""Right"",""Duration"":0.13912872800210607,""Location"":{""X"":254.0,""Y"":557.0}},{""Timestamp"":0.79039350599850877,""ButtonIdentifier"":""Left"",""Duration"":0.11910793299830402,""Location"":{""X"":127.0,""Y"":557.0}}]"
Sample JSON Export
Note that since the JSON export is included in the SurveyResults.json file, some of the reference keys either do not apply, or are part of the overall survey step data.
{ "SurveyStepResultKey": "4444-5555-6666", "StepIdentifier": "TAPPING_TEST", "StartDate": "2020-12-14T21:07:35+00:00", "EndDate": "2020-12-14T21:07:46+00:00", "Results": [ { "Type": "TappingIntervalResult", "TappingIntervalResultKey": "1111-2222-3333", "ButtonRect1": { "Size": { "Height": 104, "Width": 104 }, "Origin": { "X": 79, "Y": 476 } }, "ButtonRect2": { "Size": { "Height": 104, "Width": 104 }, "Origin": { "X": 207, "Y": 476 } }, "StepViewSize": { "Height": 753, "Width": 390 }, "Taps": [ { "Timestamp": 0, "ButtonIdentifier": "Left", "Duration": 0.09047818099861615, "Location": { "X": 161.3333282470703, "Y": 557 } }, { "Timestamp": 0.375023753997084, "ButtonIdentifier": "Right", "Duration": 0.13912872800210607, "Location": { "X": 254, "Y": 557 } }, { "Timestamp": 0.7903935059985088, "ButtonIdentifier": "Left", "Duration": 0.11910793299830402, "Location": { "X": 127, "Y": 557 } } ], "StartDate": "2020-12-14T21:07:35+00:00", "EndDate": "2020-12-14T21:07:46+00:00" } ] },
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