Step Type: Form
- Updated
A form step allows you to present multiple questions to the user on a single step.
Table of Contents
Basic Properties
The form step has the following properties:
Property | Function | Examples |
Title | The large text displayed at the top. | In the last 7 days… |
Text | The smaller descriptive text below the title. | Please answer the following questions |
Optional | Whether the step is optional. If a step is optional, a “skip” button will appear at the bottom of the step and the user will not be required to fill out the step. | Yes No |
Form Items | The questions on the form. | See below |
Next Button Text | Overrides the default text used for the "Next" button. | Get Started, Proceed, Learn More, Join Now, etc. |
Footnote |
Optional note that appears at the bottom of the step. Supports Markdown formatting. |
Conditions may apply. |
Form Items
Additionally, you can create any number of form items. Form items have "drag and drop" reordering to allow for easy item rearrangement. Each form item has the following properties:
Property | Function | Examples |
Identifier | The identifier of the form item. Responses to this question will be stored with this as the key. | SMOKING_YESNO |
Optional | Whether the form item is optional. Optional form items do not need to be filled out in order for the participant to proceed to the next question. | Yes No |
Text | The text of the question | How much pain are you in right now? |
Hide This Item | Whether the form item is hidden based on previous answers or participant data. See below for more details. |
Never If a condition is met |
Answer Format | How you would like the person to answer the question. Different answer formats have additional options. See Answer Formats. |
Text Choice Date Scale (Discrete) |
Hiding Form Items
You may conditionally hide a form item based on the result of a previous answer in this form or survey, participant demographic data, or custom fields.
- Select "If a condition is met" for the "Hide this item..." option.
- Select a condition and value from the drop-down menu. This example will hide the current form item if the participant answers 'yes' to a previous form item asking if they're a smoker.
- You may use the "AND," "OR," and "NOT" buttons to create more complex conditions. This example will hide the current form item if the participant is a non-smoker AND a male.
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