Fitbit Daily Data Export Format
- Updated
The Fitbit Daily Data export contains a daily summary of a variety of Fitbit data. Each entry contains the data for a single participant on a single day.
The data in the Fitbit export is obtained through the Fitbit API. The available data will vary based on the device capabilities and the user's privacy settings. See the Fitbit "Get Daily Activity Summary" documentation for more information about using and interpreting Fitbit data. The Daily Data export includes data from several different API sources, as described in the table below.
Table of Contents
Data Fields
Field | Description |
ActivityCalories |
Calories burned from periods above sedentary level, from the Activity Time Series. |
BodyBmi |
Body Mass Index |
BodyFat |
Body fat |
BodyFatLog |
Unused, see Fitbit Body Weight Log Export Format. |
BodyFatLogSource |
Unused, see Fitbit Body Weight Log Export Format. |
BodyWeight |
Body weight, in kilograms |
BodyWeightLogBodyWeight |
Unused, see Fitbit Body Weight Log Export Format. |
BodyWeightLogBMI |
Unused, see Fitbit Body Weight Log Export Format. |
BodyWeightLogFat |
Unused, see Fitbit Body Weight Log Export Format. |
BodyWeightLogSource |
Unused, see Fitbit Body Weight Log Export Format. |
BreathingRate |
Average number of breaths taken per minute from the previous night's sleep. |
Calories |
Calories |
CaloriesBMR |
Only BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) calories |
CardioScore |
Score that shows how fit participants are for their age and sex. Estimate of VO2 max. Score is based on resting heart rate and user profile. The value can be either a single number (45) or a range (44-48). |
Date |
The date of the measurement, in ISO 8601 format. |
Distance |
Distance traveled, in kilometers |
Elevation |
Elevation traveled, in meters |
Floors |
Floors climbed |
FoodCaloriesIn |
Food calories in |
HeartRateIntradayCount |
The number of intraday heart rate samples collected during the time period. The sampling interval is normally 5-15 seconds, but it can be as short as 1-3 seconds while the user is recording an activity, so this figure is highly variable from day to day. |
HeartRateIntradayMinuteCount |
The number of minutes throughout the day that have an intraday heart rate sample. This value approximates the time the device was worn. A value of 1439 or greater indicates a full day. |
Fat burn, cardio, and peak are the three heart rate zones. They are personalized to each participant based on age and cardiovascular fitness level. To engage the cardio zone, participants may be running or biking.
Fat burn, cardio, and peak are the three heart rate zones. They are personalized to each participant based on age and cardiovascular fitness level. To engage the fat burn zone, participants may be lifting weights, taking a yoga class, or going on a fast walk.
Heart rate zones go in terms of intensity from peak to cardio to fat burn. Out of range zone means a participant fell below the threshold of fat burn zone. Zones are personalized to each participant based on age and cardiovascular fitness level.
Fat burn, cardio, and peak are the three heart rate zones. They are personalized to each participant based on age and cardiovascular fitness level. To engage the peak zone, participants may be sprinting or biking up a steep hill at a fast pace.
HrvDailyRmssd |
The Root Mean Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD) between heart beats. It measures short-term variability in the user’s daily heart rate in milliseconds (ms). |
HrvDeepRmssd |
The Root Mean Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD) between heart beats. It measures short-term variability in the user’s heart rate while in deep sleep, in milliseconds (ms). |
Minutes spent at different activity levels |
ModifiedDate |
The date the data was last modified, in ISO 8601 format. |
ParticipantIdentifier |
The MyDataHelps Designer identifier of the participant associated with the Fitbit user. Can be used to cross reference with Participants. |
The stable, automatically generated, internal system identifier for this participant. Universally unique identifier (UUID). |
Average resting heart rate. |
SpO2Avg |
The mean of the 1 minute SpO2 levels calculated as a percentage value from the previous night's sleep. |
SpO2Max |
The maximum daily SpO2 level calculated as a percentage value from the previous night's sleep. |
SpO2Min |
The minimum daily SpO2 level calculated as a percentage value from the previous night's sleep. |
Steps taken |
TempCore |
Unused |
TempSkin |
Skin temperature is the temperature on the skin's surface. It typically varies more than core temperature, since warming up or cooling down the skin is one way the body regulates itself and keeps core temperature stable. The temperature value is in degrees Celsius. |
TempSkinLogType |
The type of skin temperature log created, which will be either dedicated_temp_sensor for watches that have an actual temperature sensor or other_sensors for devices that approximate the temperature based on other sensors. |
TrackerActivityCalories |
Calories burned from periods above sedentary level; only includes tracker sources, not manually-entered data. |
TrackerCalories |
Calories; only includes tracker sources, not manually-entered data. |
TrackerDistance |
Distance traveled, in kilometers; only includes tracker sources, not manually-entered data. |
TrackerElevation |
Elevation traveled, in meters; only includes tracker sources, not manually-entered data. |
TrackerFloors |
Floors climbed; only includes tracker sources, not manually-entered data. |
Minutes spent at the different activity levels; only includes tracker sources, not manually-entered data. |
TrackerSteps |
Steps taken; only includes tracker sources, not manually-entered data. |
Water |
Water intake, in milliliters. |
Sample CSV Export
Sample JSON Export
{ "ParticipantIdentifier": "aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd", "Date": "2019-05-16T00:00:00", "ActivityCalories": "773", "BodyBmi": "42.60182189941406", "BodyFat": "0.0", "Calories": "2170", "CaloriesBMR": "1252", "Distance": "7.1389", "Elevation": "42", "Floors": "14", "FoodCaloriesIn": "0", "HeartRateIntradayCount": "24", "HeartRateZone": { "OutOfRangeCaloriesOut": "1705.21152", "OutOfRangeMax": "93", "OutOfRangeMin": "30", "OutOfRangeMinutes": "1327", "FatBurnCaloriesOut": "425.50456", "FatBurnMax": "130", "FatBurnMin": "93", "FatBurnMinutes": "78", "CardioCaloriesOut": "0", "CardioMax": "158", "CardioMin": "130", "CardioMinutes": "0", "PeakCaloriesOut": "0", "PeakMax": "220", "PeakMin": "158", "PeakMinutes": "0" }, "MinutesFairlyActive": "6", "MinutesLightlyActive": "189", "MinutesSedentary": "746", "MinutesVeryActive": "30", "RestingHeartRate": "70", "Steps": "9197", "Tracker": { "ActivityCalories": "773", "Calories": "2170", "Distance": "7.1389", "Elevation": "42", "Floors": "14", "MinutesFairlyActive": "6", "MinutesLightlyActive": "189", "MinutesSedentary": "746", "MinutesVeryActive": "30", "TrackerSteps": "9197" }, "Water": "0.0", "ModifiedDate": "2020-04-20T03:32:08Z",
"HeartRateIntradayMinuteCount": "15",
"BreathingRate": "13.8",
"Hrv": {
"DailyRmssd": "12.345",
"DeepRmssd": "10.19"
"SpO2": {
"Avg": "96.1",
"Min": "93.8",
"Max": "98.6"
"CardioScore": "38",
"TempSkin": "90",
"TempSkinLogType": "" }
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