Data Exports
Exporting data from MyDataHelps Designer is under your control. You may choose the file type (CSV or JSON), set the export schedule, and export your data directly to your SFTP site or S3 bucket. There are 5 main types of data: participant data, survey data, device / wearable sensor data, auxiliary file data, and EHR data. Details on each type of export file and data can be found below. Please check with your organization's IT Support for assistance setting up SFTP. Data exports may contain Protected Health Information (PHI), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and/or other health-related sensitive information, and must be transferred/stored in accordance with your organization’s security policies in order to ensure participant privacy and data security.
Setting Up Data Exports
MyDataHelps Designer can automatically export participant survey results and sensor data from y...
Export File Type and Format Summary
After downloading exported data from MyDataHelps Designer, you will have a number of data files...
Project Reporting Dashboard
Once you've enabled data exports for your project, you can easily monitor project activity with...
Export Explorer
Export Explorer
Once exports have been set up for your project and the first file is generated, you will have a...
Export Explorer: Query Library
This document contains a collection of SQL queries that can be used with the Export Explorer. U...
Export Explorer: Troubleshooting
Below are some common troubleshooting scenarios for the Export Explorer. Export Explorer does n...
Participant Data Exports
Participant Platforms Data Export Format
The Participant Platforms data export captures all platforms (e.g., iOS, Android) used by all p...
Participant Data Export Format
The AllParticipants export contains all participants on the project. Table of Contents Data F...
Segment Participant History Data Export Format
There are two different segment data exports. "Segment Participants History" contains all segme...
Segment Participants Data Export Format
There are two different segment data exports. "Segment Participants" contains a snapshot of all...
Survey Data Exports
Deleted Survey Results Export Format
The Deleted Survey Results export contains metadata for instances when a coordinator deletes th...
[Legacy] Image and Video Capture Data Export Format
The Image Capture and Video Capture step types export the captured image, video, or file for ea...
Survey Results Export Format
When a participant completes a survey, it generates a Survey Result. Each survey result contain...
Survey Step Results Export Format
The survey step results export contains information about each step the participant completed i...
Survey Question Results Export Format
The survey question results export contains the results produced by Question Steps and Form Ste...
Survey Tasks Export Format
Survey Tasks correspond to the tasks the participant sees when they open MyDataHelps. The surve...
Apple HealthKit Data Exports
Apple HealthKitV2 Export Overview
Apple HealthKitV2 is a data export that provides complete information on HealthKit-related data...
Apple HealthKitV2 Activity Summaries Export Format
HealthKitV2 activity summaries are generated by the Apple Watch and are the data behind the act...
Apple HealthKitV2 Characteristics Export Format
HealthKit Characteristics represent data that does not typically change over time, like date of...
Apple HealthKitV2 Clinical Records Export Format
Clinical Records in HealthKit have a unique data structure for capturing information specific t...
Apple HealthKitV2 Electrocardiogram Export Format
Electrocardiograms (ECG) in HealthKit have a unique data structure for capturing information sp...
Apple HealthKitV2 Heartbeats Export Format
Heartbeats in HealthKit have a unique data structure for capturing information specific to the ...
Other Apple Data Exports
SensorKit Export Overview
You will need to contact us in order to have the SensorKit data export enabled for your project...
Apple Location Visits Export Format
Apple Location Visits are the record of locations that participants in your project have visite...
Fitbit Data Exports
Fitbit Irregular Rhythm Notifications (IRN) Export Format
The Irregular Rhythm Notifications (IRN) export provides data regarding the participant's engag...
Fitbit Body Weight Log Export Format
The Body Weight Log export contains user-provided weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) data from th...
Fitbit Profiles Data Export Format
The Fitbit Profiles export contains preferences and other profile information associated with a...
Fitbit Devices Data Export Format
The Devices export contains information about the Fitbit devices used by participants. Each ent...
Fitbit Daily Data Export Format
The Fitbit Daily Data export contains a daily summary of a variety of Fitbit data. Each entry c...
Fitbit Activity Log Data Export Format
The Fitbit Activity export contains information about participant exercise activities. Each ent...
Garmin Data Exports
Garmin Export Overview
MyDataHelps currently supports Garmin data for two separate APIs: Health Activity Many of the...
Garmin Health Snapshot Summary Export Format
The Garmin Health Snapshot is a collection of key health-related insights recorded during a two...
Garmin Daily Summary Export Format
Daily summaries offer a high-level view of the user’s entire day. They generally correspond to ...
Garmin Third Party Daily Summary Export Format
This request is to retrieve a list of one or more daily summaries uploaded from third-party sou...
Garmin Respiration Summary Export Format
Respiration is a feature available on some Garmin devices that tracks breathing rate throughout...
Garmin Blood Pressure Summary Export Format
Blood pressure summaries offer data from blood pressure readings taken using an Index™ BPM devi...
Google Fit Data Exports
Google Fit Samples Data Export Format
The Google Fit Samples export contains a variety of data points ("samples") from the participan...
Omron Data Exports
Omron Blood Pressure Readings Data Export
The Omron Blood Pressure Readings Data Export contains blood pressure measurements for a single...
Electronic Health Records (EHR) & Account Data Exports
External Accounts Data Export Format
The external accounts data export provides a snapshot of all external accounts linked to partic...
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Export Overview
The electronic health records (EHR) export contains records obtained from a participant’s healt...
Symptom Shark Data Exports
Symptom Shark Symptom Logs Export Format
The Symptom Shark Symptom Logs data export contains a log of symptoms reported by participants ...
Symptom Shark Treatment Logs Export Format
The Symptom Shark Treatment Logs data export contains a complete log of treatments reported by ...
Symptom Shark Daily Overall Experience Export Format
The Symptom Shark Daily Overall Experience export contains a log of overall well-being reported...
Active Task Data Exports
Tower of Hanoi Active Task Export Format
The Tower of Hanoi Active Task is based on the ResearchKit Tower of Hanoi task. When your proje...
Tone Audiometry Active Task Export Format
The Tone Audiometry Active Task is based on the ResearchKit Tone Audiometry test. When your pro...
Timed Walk Active Task Export Format
The Timed Walk Active Task is based on the ResearchKit Timed Walk task. Instead of shaking the ...
Spatial Span Memory Active Task Export Format
The Spatial Span Memory Active Task is based on the ResearchKit Spatial Memory task. When your ...
Range of Motion Active Task Export Format
The Range of Motion Active Task is based on the ResearchKit Range of Motion task. The Range of ...
Hole Peg Test Active Task Export Format
The Hole Peg Test Active Task is based on the ResearchKit 9-Hole Peg Test. When your project us...
Analytics Events Data Exports
Analytics Events Export Overview
The "AnalyticsEvents" export contains several files related to participant engagement with your...
Custom Events Export Format
A custom event can be described as any action a user can perform in your application, such as c...
Email Events Export Formats
MyDataHelps utilizes an email provider to send email notifications and track email events. With...
External Account Events Export Format
The provider search analytics event data export allows users to see how participants are connec...
Notification Sent Export Format
The Notification Sent data represents all notification send events triggered by MyDataHelps. T...
Participant Registered Export Format
The participant registered analytics event data export allows users to see details on participa...
Geographic Data Exports
Air Quality Export Format
MyDataHelps can collect air quality from for each participant. Each sample contains ...
Weather Export Format
MyDataHelps can collect weather forecast data from for each participant. Each sam...
Additional Data Exports
Uploaded Files Export Format
Files from participants can be uploaded to MyDataHelps using the File Upload Answer Format as w...
Project Device Data Export
If your project utilizes device data points aside from the standard device data offerings (e.g....
Auxiliary Data Files Export Format
Project coordinators can upload auxiliary data files to collect participant data from sources o...