Unable to find survey results in the data export for a participant that has completed a survey Featured Answered

CareEvolution Support

I can see that a participant has completed a survey under the Survey Results tab, but I am not able to find it in the data export. I made sure that the participant was not excluded from exports. How can I find these survey results? 

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    CareEvolution Support
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    Great question! This type of issue typically occurs when a participantidentifier is changed at some point over the course of the study. Instead of using participantidentifier to find survey results for a participant, try using participantid instead, which is a static, system-assigned ID for each participant. 

    You can try finding the participant’s survey results using Export Explorer with the following query. You will want to insert the participantidentifier that you want to find results for where the query states ‘insert_participant_ID_here’.

    SELECT ap.participantid, sr.*
    FROM "allparticipants" ap
    join "surveyresults" sr on ap.participantid = sr.participantid 
    where ap.participantidentifier = 'insert_participant_ID_here' 

    Using this query will show all survey results completed by the participant using the participantid, which is unchanged in MyDataHelps Designer.

    We strongly encourage study teams to maintain one participantidentifier for all participants throughout their study participation. If the participantidentifier needs to be changed per study protocol, we encourage study teams to have a standard operating procedure for changing the participantidentifer field in order to minimize confusion with multiple participant identifiers and then to use participantid when looking at export data. Another idea to consider is using a custom field to track participants with a different id than the generated participantidentifier. Using a custom field in this way can help to minimize issues with finding survey results in the exports. 

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