Automatic Email Back-up Message Answered

Thejas Suvarna

We are in the process of creating sms and push notifications for participants whose 12 month survey is ready. We wanted to know if there is a way to automatically send an email if there is no phone number on file. I’m not sure if that’s something we can do on our end or if it’s something CareEvolution needs to set. If you need more info, let me know.



1 comment

  • Comment author
    Thejas Suvarna
    • Edited
    • Official comment

    Yes - MyDataHelps Designer can certainly handle this type of notification. We'd recommend using an "On Entering a Segment" schedule. Here is how it might work:

    • Create a segment for participants without a segment
    • Create a schedule for participants who enter this segment, triggering your email notification.

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