Changing Project Name Answered

Laura Farren

How do I change my actual project name? I have already changed the display name under project settings but was unable to change the actual name of the project.



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  • Comment author
    Laura Farren
    • Edited

    If you have not started collecting data, the best way to update the project name is to make a copy of the project, save the copy with the updated name, and delete the earlier version. Please note, if you have already started collecting data, the new project will not include previously collected data. 

    To copy the project, click “Projects” in the toolbar at the top of the page then click the “Copy Project” icon to the right of the project name - you will be prompted to add the “New Project Name” before copying. Once you have created the new project with the updated name, click “Projects” on the top toolbar again and delete the earlier version.


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