How do I know if I will get Stages or Classic Sleep Data for Fitbit? (Granularity of Fitbit sleep data) Answered

Thejas Suvarna

I had a few technical questions about the level of data access from the Fitbit side of things, more specifically the granularity of sleep data. 



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    Thejas Suvarna
    • Official comment
    Each sleep session summary will include granular sleep details data that comes in two flavors. The type of detailed data you are getting can be identified using the "Type" field of the session summary export. Those two types will be categorized as follows:
    • stages - Reports data with 30-second granularity, and grades sleep as deep, light, rem, or wake.
    • classic - Reports data with 60-second granularity, and grades sleep as asleep, restless, or awake.
    In general, you can expect stages data for each sleep session, unless any of the following are true:
    • If you slept in a position that prevented your device from getting a consistent heart-rate reading or wore it too loosely. (Implicitly, the device must support HR - which most Fitbits do)
    • If you used the Begin Sleep Now option in the Fitbit app (instead of simply wearing your device to bed). For more information on automatic sleep tracking, see How do I track my sleep with my Fitbit device?
    • If you slept for less than 3 hours.
    • If your device’s battery is critically low.
    You can find more details about the export structure of Fitbit Sleep data as well as other data types in our user guide.

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