Creating a Survey
Start by navigating to either the home screen or the surveys screen. Enter a survey name where ...
Survey Settings
While editing a survey you can adjust various settings to control how the survey is displayed t...
Survey Versioning and Publishing
Surveys support version control, which allows you to track, compare, and even revert changes. O...
Manually Delivering Surveys
Usually you will set up automatic delivery of surveys using survey schedules. However, there ma...
Completing Surveys with Survey Links
Once participants have been added to your project, they can complete surveys a variety of ways:...
Comparison of Native Apps and Web Survey Features
The table below provides a matrix of which survey features are currently available for native a...
Step Types
The MyDataHelps Designer survey editor provides a number of types of steps you can use in your ...
Answer Formats
Answer formats represent the method by which a participant should answer a question. They are u...