
  • Creating a Survey

    Start by navigating to either the home screen or the surveys screen. Enter a survey name where ...

  • Survey Settings

    While editing a survey you can adjust various settings to control how the survey is displayed t...

  • Survey Versioning and Publishing

    Surveys support version control, which allows you to track, compare, and even revert changes. O...

  • Manually Delivering Surveys

    Usually you will set up automatic delivery of surveys using survey schedules. However, there ma...

  • Completing Surveys with Survey Links

    Once participants have been added to your project, they can complete surveys a variety of ways:...

  • Comparison of Native Apps and Web Survey Features

    The table below provides a matrix of which survey features are currently available for native a...

  • Step Types

    The MyDataHelps Designer survey editor provides a number of types of steps you can use in your ...

  • Answer Formats

    Answer formats represent the method by which a participant should answer a question. They are u...