Configuring the Participant-Facing App
- Updated
You may wish to customize what your participants see in the MyDataHelps app to suit your specific project. You can configure specific views or tabs for the participant-facing app, with the choice of either a pre-configured view or a custom view (built with the View Builder or MyDataHelps SDK). To change and arrange the bottom tab bar for participants using MyDataHelps, navigate to “App Layout” within your project's sidebar.
If your project does not have an App Layout tab, please contact CareEvolution and ask to have the tab added.
Within the App Layout settings, you can add, arrange, and delete tabs. Each Project Template is pre-configured with tabs specific to that template but are fully customizable. The Home and Tasks tabs are the default for Blank projects.
Expand the Look & Feel section at the top to update the supported color schemes for light and dark mode.
To add a new tab to the participant view, click the “Add Tab” button.
- Choose a name for the tab—this name will be displayed on the tab in a condensed area, so we recommend keeping it short (e.g., Home, Tasks, My Data).
- Select an image that will be displayed along the bottom of the app.
Choose which type of view you will use for your new tab.
To choose from a library of pre-made views, select “From View Library” and explore new views including Survey Tasks, Push Notifications, Fitbit, and Device Data. An example of the participant view is displayed on the left when you select an option.
If you have a custom design that you wish to incorporate (see the developer documentation for more information), or you want to build one using the View Builder tool, select “Custom View” and enter the URL.
- For a custom(hosted) view: Once you are ready to promote your project to Production Mode, contact support to complete the review process for your view(s). If your project is already in Production, we recommend completing the review process before updating the URL.
For a View Builder view: Click the "Open View Builder" link to create your customized tab view. You do not need to complete the review process for View Builder views.
To choose from a library of pre-made views, select “From View Library” and explore new views including Survey Tasks, Push Notifications, Fitbit, and Device Data. An example of the participant view is displayed on the left when you select an option.
- Configure the device platforms on which each tab will appear and other advanced settings.
- By default, the platforms that are enabled in the "Enrollment" section of Project Settings are enabled for each tab. In the example shown below, all platforms display as options because all are enabled in the "Enrollment" section. Because "Web" is disabled here, the Device Data tab will not display on the Web platform.
- By default, the platforms that are enabled in the "Enrollment" section of Project Settings are enabled for each tab. In the example shown below, all platforms display as options because all are enabled in the "Enrollment" section. Because "Web" is disabled here, the Device Data tab will not display on the Web platform.
- The unique key is used when sending notifications that link participants directly to a particular tab.
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