Project Configuration
Configure your project's settings, sensor & EHR data, schedules, and more.
Testing Your Project
It is essential to perform testing on your project before beginning to enroll participants, as ...
Creating and Renaming a Project
Table of Contents Creating a Project Renaming a Project Creating a Project When you create...
Configuring Project Settings
Project settings allow you to control how your project is displayed to participants from the Ab...
Copying and Deleting a Project
You may find the need to copy and delete projects as you test your MyDataHelps projects. Table...
REDCap Integration Overview
If you are using REDCap as your primary system to manage your study, you might benefit from the...
Configuration for Minors
When including minors in your MyDataHelps project there are additional considerations. We encou...
Enrollment Overview
MyDataHelps Designer provides several different methods to enroll participants. This article wi...
Open Enrollment
A common method for enrolling participants is by providing them with a QR code, 6-digit code, o...
Enrollment by Recruitment Survey
Within the Enrollment Settings, you can choose to define specific surveys as Recruitment Survey...
Enrollment by Invitation
Participants can join your project in a few different ways, as described in the enrollment over...
Enrollment by Search
For certain projects, allowing MyDataHelps users to find your project via search is productive ...
Collecting Participant Demographics
Table of Contents Collection Methods Collecting Demographics in a Survey Collection Meth...
Sensor & EHR Data
Sensor Data Services
You can collect sensor data from a variety of data services. They are described briefly below, ...
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Data
Collecting EHR data from participants requires approval from CareEvolution. Please contact us. ...
Collecting Sensor Data
When creating a project, you have the option of selecting which pieces of passive sensor data y...
Viewing Sensor Data
Once you've set up sensor data collection for your project, you can configure exports to includ...
Enabling SensorKit
Table of Contents About SensorKit Implementation of SensorKit About SensorKit SensorKit is...
Fitbit Device Distribution
There are two options for distributing Fitbit devices to study participants—manual ordering and...
Scheduling Playbook
Schedules allow you to automatically deliver content (i.e., surveys and notifications) to parti...
Creating Schedules to Deliver Project Content
Schedules allow you to automate the following actions for your project: Deliver surveys Delive...
Schedule Types
Overview Once you've clicked "Add a Schedule," you will be prompted to "Choose a Schedule Type....
Schedule Actions
The final step in configuring the schedule is determining which action(s) to take based on the ...
Viewing, Editing, Copying, Deleting, and Testing Schedules
Table of Contents Viewing Schedules Editing Schedules Copying Schedules Deleting Schedules Te...
App Layout
View Builder: Advance Logic
Advanced View Builder logic allows you to make your views more dynamic, responding to the parti...
Configuring the Participant-Facing App
You may wish to customize what your participants see in the MyDataHelps app to suit your specif...
View Builder
The View Builder is a drag-and-drop tool that uses standard MyDataHelps components, allowing yo...
View Builder: Templates
If you are new to the View Builder or just getting started with a new view, we encourage you to...
View Builder: Components
This article captures all of the View Builder's components as well as examples of them. Notably...
View Builder: Examples
Below are a few examples of views that could be built using the view builder. Nested Resource ...
Participant Fields Overview
While most project teams are familiar with survey fields (variables collecting survey responses...
Types of Participant Fields
MyDataHelps Designer has a few different field types that can store participant information as ...
Populating Participant Fields
You have a few different options to populate your participant fields, which are outlined in thi...
Using Participant Fields
Once you have your participant fields configured and populated with values, you can begin to le...
Custom Field: Picklist
Unlike other custom fields, a custom picklist field can only have certain pre-specified values,...
In addition to dynamic text replacement for participant fields, MyDataHelps supports an express...